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Monday, December 31, 2018

Far Cry 5

  • Activation: Automatically added to your Uplay PC library for download.
  • Release date: March 27, 2018
  • Type: Shooter
  • Rating : esrb-m
  • Publisher: Ubisoft
  • Developer: Ubisoft


Far Cry 5 is a massive open world that’s filled with something new around every bend. The enemy AI behavior is more realistic and the exploration is almost endless. Even when you feel like taking a break from the campaign, you can take in some leisurely fishing before diving back into your quest. It’s your mission. With it comes the freedom to take on a world that hits back by any means necessary.

Far Cry comes to America in the latest installment of the award-winning franchise.

Hope County, Montana, has been overrun by a fanatical doomsday cult – The Project at Eden’s Gate. Upon your arrival, you must spark the fires of resistance to liberate the community.


The world reacts in real ways to your choices. As you disrupt the activities of Eden’s Gate, the Resistance Meter goes up. It tracks your actions and provides feedback on the effect your actions have on the world. 

Each cult Herald has a unique Resistance Meter tied to their region. The more you mess with the cult, the game world will hit back and become more chaotic and challenging. This challenge reaches its peak when the Resistance Meter hits its highest level, and the player must confront the Herald in an epic showdown.

Taking down The Project at Eden's Gate isn't as easy as cutting a path straight through Far Cry 5 to the cult's leader, Joseph Seed. First, you'll need to destabilize the cult by defeating the Father’s Heralds, John, Jacob, and Faith. And the only way to lure them out is to make things so hot that they decide to put out the fire themselves. The more damage you do, the more the cult will respond in kind.

Each region has its own Resistance Meter, which tracks your actions throughout the world. As you battle cultists, recruit allies, and free the citizens of Hope County, the meter rises. As it does, the Project at Eden’s Gate will grow increasingly desperate, countering your efforts with tougher soldiers, bigger guns, and escalating chaos. The Resistance Meter never recedes, and when it's full, you'll finally be able to draw out that region's Herald for a dramatic showdown.


Three diverse regions and three really bad Heralds stand between you and The Father. How you conquer them is up to you.


  • Named for the Dutch immigrants who originally settled here, Holland Valley feels like a postcard from the West. It is home to farms, grazing animals, and a small community named Fall’s End. Because of all the goods that are grown and transfomred here, this is also where the cult is planning to reap whatever they need before The Collapse.

  • Henbane River was once a place where people came to heal. Its landscape was dotted with cottages, hot springs, and the flowers that give the region its name. Over time the hot springs business fizzled out and the Project at Eden’s Gate moved in. This area is the cult’s heart in Hope County and a place of field labor and worship. Its economy revolves around converting souls into a docile workforce through use of drugs.

  • Whitetail Mountains are a true wilderness where nature’s raw power is on display. Teeming with wildlife, this is a place to hide secrets—from both society and the law. It’s here that the cult is building an army to protect their followers from the Collapse. While Eden’s Gate controls this region, those who reject the cult can also find safe haven here. Preppers and survivalists have encamped themselves in these hidden mountains as they await the right moment to strike.
  • Fan the flames of resistance and fight to free Hope County from the grip of a deadly cult.
  • Beware the wrath of Joseph Seed and his cult followers as you support the resistance in small-town America.
  • Explore Hope County and discover the Montana countryside, its wildlife, and its inhabitants in an exciting open world.
  • Upgrade to the Gold Edition and get immediate access to all Deluxe add-on content, plus the Season Pass.
  • Aim a bit off? Practice your marksmanship on some of the wild animals that are roaming throughout the different regions in Hope County. But beware, the animals fight back.
  • Need a breather from ousting a doomsday cult and their maniacal leader? Take a break and cast a line in any of Hope County's scenic lakes and rivers.
  • Do you believe you can fly? Nothing says freedom like soaring high above Hope County like a bald eagle.

Not only do you have unique skills to bring to the table, so do your Guns For Hire. You can meet and recruit them in the open world, although they may need some help sorting out their own problems before lending you a hand. If you like to travel in numbers, you can recruit up to two for hire at a time, which should help increase your chances of survival.

In Far Cry 5, you're facing off against an armed, fanatical cult: The Project at Eden’s Gate, which has sunk its claws deep into Hope County, Montana. But you're not alone. The good people of Hope County want the cult gone just as much as you do, and as you show them that resistance is possible, some will join you in combat as Guns for Hire, like Nick Rye.

Guns for Hire aren't disposable mercenaries or interchangeable rebels – they're members of the community with personalities and special skills, and you can recruit up to three allies at a time to support you in battle against Eden's Gate. To give you an idea of who you'll be able to recruit, here's a quick look at three of the citizens willing to take up arms to help you save the land of the free.

The Pastor, Jerome Jeffries

Jerome was Hope County's parish priest for more than 15 years, and was one of the first in the community to befriend Joseph Seed, the founder of The Project at Eden's Gate. Before long, Jerome's flock left to follow Joseph, and Jerome tried to take it in stride – until Eden's Gate locked down the county. Not only did Jerome lose his church, but he was beaten and left for dead in the woods. Jerome survived and vowed to protect the cult's intended victims, and as a Gulf War vet, he's got the training and experience to lead Hope County back to the light.

Mary May Fairgrave

A lifelong resident of Hope County, Mary May used to own and operate her family's saloon, The Spread Eagle. The bank foreclosed on the place after her parents died and money ran short, however, and Eden's Gate took it over for pennies on the dollar. Watching the cult swallow up her birthright is a bridge too far, and she's ready to take back the Eagle – and Hope County – by any means necessary.

Nick Rye (Gun for Hire)

Nick comes from a long line of military pilots, and his decision not to enlist created a deep rift between him and his father. Instead, Nick took up the family legacy in a different way, waging war against farm pests as a cropduster pilot and trying to start a family with his wife, Kim. Lately, though, Eden's Gate has been making his life difficult through its aggressive attempts to buy his cropdusting business, and as the situation in Hope County heats up, it seems war has finally come to Nick's doorstep. And this time, he's answering the call.

Liberate Hope County With A Friend in Far Cry 5's Co-Op


Ally with a Friend for Hire to take down the cult in a two-player co-op experience that extends across all missions.

Once you've finished the tutorial and are ready to wreak havoc against the enemies of Hope County, you can call in a friend at any time to give you a hand. This Friend for Hire will appear as their custom player character, and can fight alongside you throughout your adventure, seamlessly dropping in and out as needed with full voice-chat communication. As you battle alongside each other, you and your buddy will be able to help each other by sharing ammo and health packs – and if you're ready to really test your friendship, there's even an option to turn on friendly fire.

If you invite a friend to join your game, you'll still discover the world at your own pace. Only the hosting player will be able to accept missions, recruit and command Guns for Hire, and keep the progress you make in the world. Your friend, meanwhile, will get to keep all their progression as a player, retaining any cash, guns, perks, or loot they earn (with the exception of items unlocked by missions) while fighting alongside you. The game will also keep you together to make sure you watch each other's backs, by taking account of each player's position and teleporting one closer to the other if someone has wandered too far away. Additionally, co-op is restricted to players from your friends list, with no random matchmaking, and you can turn off the feature entirely if you'd rather stay solo.


It's not only the human residents of Hope County who are prepared to fight back. As a part of the Guns for Hire system, Fangs for Hire are animal companions for the player. Each is unique, and can enhance whatever playstyle you choose.

In Far Cry 5, you'll work to unite the people of Hope County, Montana against The Project At Eden's Gate – but the citizens won't be the only ones to answer your call. Certain animal denizens of Hope County can also be convinced to join the battle as Fangs for Hire, and will fight alongside you against the cultists who've taken over the county.

One of the Fangs for Hire is Boomer the dog, who quickly proves his worth by scouting areas, tagging enemies, and lunging into action when confronted by enemies. Boomer can even yank weapons away from cultists and bring them to you, a skill that makes him invaluable in tight situations or when you're low on ammo.


Set within beautiful rural Montana and built on an open world format, Hope County truly is the land of the free. From the simple pleasures of Holland Valley to the healing wonders of the Henbane River to the raw power of the Whitetail Mountains, you’ll find endless adventure the deeper you explore.

The fate of Hope County is in your hands. Take on the cult solo or team up with a fellow resister in co-op mode and wreak havoc upon Joseph Seed and his band of cult followers. In the biggest Far Cry release ever, you'll have everything at your disposal—from hired guns to hired fangs and the baddest arsenal this side of the Mississippi.


Intel is learned by exploring the open world, increasing your knowledge of the game and objectives. The Intel you receive always has a clear objective tied to it.

Intel is information about the world. Intel can be related to: characters, quest givers, outposts, treasure hunts, or content in the world such as locations, hunting & fishing spots, destructible structures, and collectibles. Once obtained, your world map is updated with this Intel.

System Requirements


OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only)
PROCESSOR: Intel Core i5-2400 @ 3.1 GHz or AMD FX-6300 @ 3.5 GHz or equivalent
VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 or AMD R9 270 (2GB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0 or better)
Resolution: 720p
Video Preset: Low


OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only)
PROCESSOR: Intel Core i7-4770 @ 3.4 GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 1600 @ 3.2 GHz or equivalent
VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD R9 290X (4GB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0 or better)
Resolution: 1080p
Video Preset: High

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